Category: Open Source Software

Open Source Software

Using Big Data for Competitive Advantage

Companies worldwide are using big data to gain ever deeper analysis and rapidly and securely making those insights available to more people on their own terms. Big data capabilities and advanced business analytics have now become essential to nearly any business development activity. The benefits that enterprises can get if they can get their hands…

Supporting Decision Making: The BI Sweet Spot

Technology is integrated into the DNA of business and of society itself. Some of the most recent entrants are cloud computing, Big Data, and mobile. By putting these technologies together, we arrive at an intersection that creates a “sweet spot” where innovation can be enhanced within your organization. In his session at 5th Big Data…

VictorOps Makes Being On-Call Suck Less

Everybody’s got a plan. Until they get punched in the face. It’s go time. You knew it was coming. Now what? VictorOps opens an incident that puts your customized company and personal escalation policies into play. Push notifications to our native mobile apps, SMS messages to your phone, or (gasp!) an actual phone call. We…